How to create a clean, concise and readable call sheet email.
Creating a readable call sheet email is vital for any production to run smoothly and can sometimes be an art form in putting it together. Depending on the size/budget of your production will often dictate who sends out the call sheet email. For larger productions you may have a Coordinator or Production Secretary clicking “send” and on smaller projects the 2nd AD will be the one most likely getting out these essential “next day emails.”
10 tips to remember when sending out call sheet emails:
1. Use a standardized subject heading
2. BCC the recipients
If you “show” email addresses in the TO FIELD or CC FIELD you are risking one person replying all to the GROUP and asking a dumb question that should be for the sender only. It is a good idea to build this list later in the day because it may change as you have to add or drop crew/cast members.
3. Send a separate email to CREW and CAST
The CAST email can be simplified and have only pertinent information ie…they don’t need to know the location addresses if they are shuttled to set etc…
4. Avoid sending Call Sheet Emails to Background or certain Vendors where a separate detailed email will work in its place
Below is one example in which I would email a caterer by noon each day (separate from the call sheet email) in order to give them a heads up with the count for the next day. If I waited to email the caterer the call sheet there is a chance they may not have enough time to prepare enough food etc.
5. Consider having your crew members confirm the very first email on DAY 1
Its a good idea to do this just in case you have a wrong email address or the email goes to spam for some weird reason.
6. Consider writing a nice sentence thanking or encouraging the crew at the very top of the email.
7. List important information at the top that shows the very basics
Consider bolding or highlighting certain text in colors to make the email readable.
Thursday Dec 6th, 2018
Call Time: 7AM
Courtesy Breakfast: 6:30AM
***please check the back of the call sheet for your individual call times***
8. List the locations in order of where people will park etc.
Don’t list the first location first if people are showing up to crew parking. The chances that they will go to the wrong address is greater if you list it in the order of where the majority of people should park.
9. Make sure to leave a clean email signature and closing remarks
Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions/concerns.
John Smith
2nd Assistant Director, Batman Begins
(123) 222-3333
10. Attach any important documents
Don't forget to attach call sheet, sides, map, overheads and safety bulletins (when doing stunts or shooting in potential dangerous conditions)!