Why your production should use google forms
Google forms are easy to create customizable forms that will make your life easier when it comes to collecting data. You can create them in minutes and google gives you the ability to send this data to a google doc spreadsheet that creates a seamless workflow when collaborating in a team environment.
Here are a few ways to use Google Forms for your production:
#1. Actor Info Collect the following (email, cell, agent info, flight preference, food preference, clothing dimensions for costumes, etc).
#2 Crew Info Collect room preference (if sharing rooms and requesting roommates) food preference, travel info, etc
#3 Volunteer Extras Create a form to recruit extras for your production
How To Make a Google Form:
Go to forms.google.com.
Click Blank
A new form will open.
Fill in the details (Create fields such as name, email, specific questions etc)
Set the response destination
Copy the link and send out in an email